Varghese George
2 min readMar 13, 2024



Paul we all know, John and Peter too. But how many of us know a wonderful Bible character named Barnabas? As far as I know he was a lesser-known character to me till Pastor Thomas Chacko revealed his hidden goodness during a fasting prayer session on 31st August 2022.

Paul was a strict man and Barnabas was a gentle person. How did this affect John Mark?

He was blessed by the attitude of both. Paul’s strict attitude must have made him take his Christian life more seriously. At the same time Barnabas’s gentle attitude saved him from getting discouraged and giving up. It is when grace and truth operate together that people are truly blessed. At the end of his ministry Paul said “Mark is useful to me”. (2 Tim 4:11)

This happened because of the encouraging ministry of Barnabas. He played a key role in Mark’s life. He stood beside the young man despite his failure, giving him patient encouragement. Mark challenges us to learn from our mistakes and appreciate patience in others in uplifting your spirits. If there is a Barnabas in your life you must thank him/her for encouraging you.

Mark was a cousin of Barnabas (Col. 4:10). But it may be noted that this was not the reason for helping Barnabas. Encouraging others was a gift and he was impartial in executing his God given gift.

When everyone left Paul out of fear, it was Barnabas who accompanied him. (Acts.9:26–27)

Other qualities of Barnabas (Acts 11:23–24)

If a work is God’s work — rejoice in it. No matter who is doing it. When we see others succeeding where we haven’t it’s hard to rejoice with them. Jealousy is our natural reaction.

He was a good man and there was no trace of jealousy in him and he rejoiced at the grace of others.

May we spend more time with the Lord and try to practice what he teaches us through his word.

I am republishing this just to refresh our memory as we have a tendency to forget what we hear immediately.

May we pray earnestly that God may raise people like Barnabas in our Churches along with Paul, Peter and John so that our Church may be saved from annihilation in the last days.



Varghese George

Presently retired and spending time reading Bible and writing.